Summer Sunset Lavender Bouquet

-21% Summer Sunset Lavender Bouquet
  • $41.99
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Summer Sunset Lavender Bouquet
Naturally red straw flowers make this bouquet glow with the colors of the fading sun on a summer evening.  Flax stems (lineum), ammobium flowers, and  white floral buttons add visual interest in this french lavender bouquet.  It is fragrant and beautiful and will make a great addition to any home décor style.  This bouquet is finished off with burlap ribbon around it’s stems so it is ready to be placed anywhere in your home-- try a mason jar for a farmhouse look, a basket for rustic-country, a galvanized bucket for a french country theme.  This bouquet could even be used for your wedding, party or event.

Product: Summer Sunset Lavender Bouquet
Exclusive: This bouquet made exclusively by us for our customers
Size: Medium bouquet
Wrap: Comes finished and wrapped with burlap ribbon
Top Diameter: 5-7 inches
Stem Length: 15-18 inches top to bottom
Bouquet Ingredients: lavender, flax, ammobium, white floral buttons, strawflowers
Case Option: Buy a full case of 10 flower Bouquets and Save Even More.