Dried Garden Parade Flower Bouquet - XL
Dried Garden Parade Bouquet - XL
Taking some of Mother Nature's most brightly colored flowers, naturally air drying them, and then combining them into one bouquet that makes a beautiful statement wherever it is seen. This long lasting dried bouquet will be a bright focal point on a table as a centerpiece, in a bedroom, on a dresser, or to brighten up a laundry room, powder room, or den. The bright purple of statice combined with brilliant yellow yarrow, cheerful orange topped safflower, and the whitish stems of artemesia, truly makes this a colorful and cheerful bouquet.
Product: Dried Flower Garden Parade Bouquet
Size: Extra Large dried flower bunch (30-40% bigger than original size)
Top Diameter: 11-12 inches
Stem Length: 23-26 inches
Dried flower Bouquet Ingredients: Lemon Mint, Sinuata Statice,Nigella,Safflower, Artemisia, green wheat, Sweet Annie
Case Option: Buy a full case of 12 flower bundles and save even more!