Summer Nights Flower Bouquet
Summer Nights Flower Bouquet
Dried Flowers that have been cut in the fields and naturally dried keeps it’s looks for a long time. You will benefit from the look immediately by placing this bouquet in your home. It is visually pleasing mixed with natural flowers. This bunch of flowers and grains appears to have been picked from an early spring field and will add country charm to your home décor or event. It would make a beautiful wedding bouquet in spring, summer, or fall. The bouquet has been finished off with a raffia, so it’s ready to be placed in a vase or basket, or simply on a table or tray to adorn any room in your house.
Product: Summer Nights Flower Bouquet
Exclusive: This bouquet made exclusively by us for our customers
Size: Medium bouquet
Wrap: Comes finished and wrapped with raffia
Top Diameter: 6-8 inches
Stem Length: about 20 inches top to bottom
Bouquet Ingredients: broom bloom, clover, yarrow, floral buttons, chinese millet, substitutions may be made depending on season.
Case Option: Buy a full case of 10 flower Bouquets and Save Even More.