Dried Braided Palm Snakes
Dried Braided Palm Snakes
Dried palm snakes are made from palm leaves, that are cut into strips and weaved together - making them flexible but also durable. The strands are thicker at the bottom and then taper off towards the top, giving them a snake like appearance and hence their name. If stored correctly, they will hold their shape and color for years to come. Add them to dried floral arrangements or bouquets, or use them in different craft as they can be wrapped and placed into many different shapes. We know you will love this unique products - so order yours today!
Products: Dried Braided Palm Snakes
Colors: Natural
Length: 26-28 inches long
Amount: 6 stems per bunch
Case Option: Buy a full case of 12 bunches of palm snakes and save even more!
Other Spellings: Dried palm snake, palm snakes for decor